The fees are based on your monthly income or your ability to pay. If you are attending as a couple then the fee is based on the monthly income combined. We will also make exceptions and decide the fee with you based on what you can afford. There are three different sliding scales, one to see a Trainee Therapist in Training (Therapist is enrolled in their Master’s Degree Program and completing their Practicum fieldwork requirement to obtain a Master’s Degree), one to see an Associate Therapist in Training (Therapist has finished their Master’s Degree Program and is Registered with the BBS continuing to accrue hours for licensure), and one to see a Licensed Therapist. The average fee is $75 per session to see a Therapist in Training. The average fee to see a Licensed Therapist is $120 per session. We also now accept most Medi-Cal Plans for the Sacramento and surrounding areas and we take quite a few Commercial Plans. We also take Victim’s Of Crime Compensation and some EAP Plans.
Frequently Asked Questions
The first step is to call to ask any other questions you may have and to get a feel for the counselor that calls you. If you feel comfortable talking with the counselor you can make an appointment with them. If you do not feel comfortable with them, please call back the main line and ask for another counselor.
Counseling is a partnership between two people and if you don’t feel comfortable with someone we encourage you to find a counselor you do feel comfortable with.
So the first session is generally a time to go over policies, fees, what brought you to counseling, and for you to gauge how you feel with your counselor. Towards the end of the first session the counselor will tell you what he/she can offer you and what he or she thinks the frequency of the sessions should be. You both decide if you want to continue counseling with each other and what the frequency will actually be.
Generally sessions are 53 minutes long and scheduled once a week. Depending on schedules, what you can afford, and severity, sessions can take place twice per week or once every other week. Rarely we have scheduled every three weeks or once a month.
Please note that not all therapists can take all of these plans. So although we may be on the list of providers, only certain providers specifically can get reimbursed for services with that plan.
Medi-Cal Plans we accept: Partnership (Carelon), Healthnet, Anthem, Health Plan of San Joaquin (Mountain Valley Health Plan), Aetna, Kaiser
Commercial Plans we accept: Carelon, Blue Shield of CA, Cigna Evernorth, Magellan, Healthnet, Aetna, Kaiser Direct, Optum, UMR, United Healthcare, UBH, United Behavioral, USB, Western Health Advantage, Sutter Health
EAP we accept: Carelon (Beacon), Magellan, Anthem
We are open 7 days a week from 8am – 10pm. By appointment only.